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Does the Holy Spirit Baptize?
This past Sunday I got to hear a great message on Spirit Baptism at our …more
Guiderails for Confrontation
Stewarding the community is both for the person and for the community. It is for …more
The End of Our Church Planting Journey
Sunday, January 15th, was a pretty important day for us. It was our last meeting …more
Four Adjustments for Alignment in 2017
What’s your ‘word’ for 2017? Every year for the past decade or so I’ve tried …more
A White Pastor's Response
“What shoes are you wearing over there baby?” I thought she was talking about play shoes. …more
Prophetic Words for 2016…
I know, I know. The inter-webs are full of “words” for this upcoming year. Many …more
Social Media Justice
“Like” “Retweet” “Follow” “#PrayForSomething” “Someone’s wrong on the internet! I need to rescue them!” Are …more
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