The Value in the Invisible

Just because I’m not visible, doesn’t mean I’m not valuable! (Thanks Steven Furtick =)


Feeling down, worthless, invisible? Then I pray this is for you!

1st Samuel 16:7 But the Lord, speaking about David, said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

       God is not looking for your accomplishments, your muscle, or your career. He is looking for your heart! God told Samuel in 1st Samuel 13:14, “The Lord  sought out for a man after his own heart and will appoint him as the leader over people.” The heart came first!

When God sent Samuel to anoint a king, he had David hidden away, “invisible.” David’s job was a shepherd. He spent his days alone, serving sheep. To David’s brothers he was invisible, the youngest and smallest one of all. To even David’s father, he was invisible. He even left David tending the sheep when Samuel asked to see his sons. When Samuel went to look for a king, Jesse brought out all of his older, bigger sons first. After seven “no’s”from Samuel, THEN he sent for David.

If you’re feeling invisible I have good news!! It might just be God’s plan for your life! It was for David! God made David invisible for a season! And here are two reasons why…

 1. David could not rely on man for strength, he had to rely on The Lord.

David had seven brothers but when the bear came against the flock, David went after it, ALONE. When the lion came against the flock, again, he went   after it ALONE. He had to rely on God because he had no other choice!

My ultimate fulfillment comes from Him!

As a wife and mother I cannot rely on my husband or children for strength, happiness or fulfillment. It comes from God! Granted I feel loved from my family and serving them brings me joy, my ultimate fulfillment comes from Him!

 2. David had to learn how to shepherd sheep before he could shepherd God’s people!

 God knew the plans he had for David when David did not. Had he not been a shepherd and fought those animals, he might not have had the courage to   fight Goliath. Had he not had the courage to fight Goliath, he might not have had the courage to go into battle! And had he not been a Shepherd, not    fought with animals, not fought Goliath, and not gone into battle then he might not have had the knowledge or ability to be a king! 

To me, David’s life lines up like Jesus says in the parable of three servants,“The master was full of praise. ‘Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let’s celebrate together! ” (Matthew 25:21 NLT)

So, after looking at a season in David’s life, I think of my own life. And there are times as a stay at home mom I feel invisible, left out, and lonely. But being invisible isn’t the important part, it’s what we do with it. Will we become bitter, jealous and resentful? (Like Saul) or will we learn from it, grow with it, and search for God’s heart?

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  • As long as you keep the search for God’s heart first and foremost in your life, then all will be well. Don’t take your eyes off of God for one second. That is the enemy’s chance to move right in to your life and take over. I sit in the early mornings and in the evenings at dusk on my front porch and find myself searching……..I talk with God……I find answers to questions…….and I feel the peace settling in once again. (There is nothing like that peace either!) Feeling left out, lonely or invisible is…..well…’s (unfortunately) part of life, and I believe we all go through it at some point. Just go out on your porch and talk to God… for God’s heart first and foremost, before you search for anything else! ………………….Your writing is terrific Nikki! You are so blessed in this life!!! (And I love you very very much!!) 🙂


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