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Merry Christmas & Misplaced Outrage
A few days ago I saw a really pointless video. So far, north of 12 …more
You were MADE for the Mountain
Psalms 24 has always been one of my very favorite Psalms. I can’t remember the …more
What Racial Reconciliation Really Looks Like – Lala Spears
Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, it’s hard not to notice the racial tension …more
After the Altar
Tears. Smiles. Weeping. Laughing. Salvation. Healing. Restoration. Altar calls are powerful vehicles for life change …more
Stop Having Altar Calls
I’ve had the opportunity to visit many churches as a ‘first time guest’ this year. …more
4 Reasons I Quit Arguing on Facebook
I love Scripture and I grew up Baptist. That’s like a double whammy on knowing …more
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